A Service of Mantling (June 30, 2013)

For our June 30th worship service, we met in the sanctuary for a time of remembering and renewing the covenant we made in 2006 to be an Open and Affirming congregation. After this brief service, we carpooled downtown to St. Louis PrideFest to walk with other UCC churches in the parade.


Words of Introduction
In our Scripture reading this morning, we heard the story of the prophetic mantle, a loose sleeveless garment that symbolized the prophet’s spiritual empowerment and calling, passing from Elijah to Elisha. Elisha is at first unsure about his ability to take up this mantle, so he hesitates. In middle of political power games always bending the world toward greater wealth and power for some and suffering for many, will Elisha be able to discern God’s voice and speak up against injustice with the power of God’s spirit? [1] It’s a question not only for Elisha, but for us here today as well.

This morning in a few moments, all of you are going to be invited to come forward and receive your own mantles. Back in 2006 we covenanted together to be an Open and Affirming congregation, a congregation that welcomes and affirms of all God’s people, and the colorful mantles you receive today will serve as a symbol of our renewed commitment to that calling.

This morning as we pick up our own mantles, we do so, remembering all those who have come before us in the struggle for the full inclusivity of all God’s children in our sanctuaries. And we do so also knowing that as Elisha received a “double-portion” of God’s spirit, we too have been empowered by the spirit to bring God’s love and concern for justice to bear on our world.

Prayer of Covenant
This responsive prayer was adapted from p.49-50 of “A Place in God’s Heart, A Place at Christ’s Table” published by the Institute for Welcoming Resources

Receiving the Mantles
The congregation was invited to come forward to receive a mantle, symbolizing their commitment to continuing to create an inclusive community of faith that welcomes all.

A Prayer of Blessing 
Spirit of openness and affirmation, we dedicate our selves and our gifts to your ministry of love and grace in the world. May we ever seek to use all of our resources to create a world and a church where all are welcomed, honored, loved, and fully known. This we pray in the name of Jesus, who welcomed everyone to his table. Amen

Samuel UCC folks at PrideFest

[1] http://mccoffey.blogspot.com/2012/02/make-mine-double.html