
I have long considered myself to be a practical theologian, which means that for me action and reflection go hand-in-hand.  As a result, my theology is always a work in progress, an exercise in integration that attempts to piece together the fractions of wisdom and insight I have gained through contemplation and experience.  I seek to cultivate in my own life a posture of openness and attention toward God's gracious presence in the world and in the lives of those I encounter. 

As a worship leader, my hope is to create sacred spaces where God's story and our stories meet--- spaces where folks of all ages and different stages of life, people from different cultural backgrounds and with different learning styles experience and wonder at God's presence and mystery, and through these encounters are nurtured, challenged and transformed.


I grew up in Arlington, Texas and graduated from Westmont College and Princeton Theological Seminary.  I recently served for three years as the Minister of Children, Youth, and Families at Samuel United Church of Christ in Clayton, MO, and am currently a Member in Discernment with the St. Louis Association, United Church of Christ.  After completing a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) in the emergency department and trauma unit of Saint Louis University Hospital, I became the Chaplain Resident, and currently minister in the MICU and general medicine floor of the hospital.  Other life experiences have included working in a residential care community with adults suffering from mental illness, prison ministry, campus ministry, and many years of teaching and ministering with children and youth. 

With our 2012 Confirmation Class