Earth Sunday (April 21, 2013)

Genesis 1:1-2:3 Reading with props

Day 1: Light (Action: Remove black cloth from table to reveal blue; Turn lights on)
Day 2: Sky (Action: Rain stick)
Day 3: Dry Land & Plants (Action: Move blue cloth to reveal green cloth underneath; Place plants and flowers on the table)
Day 4: Sun and Moon (Action: Hold up sun and moon props)
Day 5: Birds and Fish (Unroll underwater scene and toss paper airplanes)
Day 6: Animals and Humans (Action: Place plastic animals on the table and make animal sounds; Hold up mirror to congregation)

Video Meditation: Within Two Worlds by Goldpaint Photography

The Message

During my sermon, I read a story about the story of Genesis 1 from Does God Have a Big Toe?" and incorporated Rabbi Arthur Waskow's insights from "Learning From Eden: Do not gobble the earth"

Earth Day Prayer Stations
STATION #1: Touch, Taste, & See: 
The items here represent some of the gifts that nature holds – and God’s provision.  Taste something, touch something, or look at it in more detail – thank God for it or anything that it reveals to you about our Creator.  Pray that we would see the good things of creation as gifts we are entrusted with, not just as things we have the right to use or own.  Think of one thing you will do differently or look into more to develop your value for God’s creation, you commitment to steward it.  (If it helps you, make a note of it on the post-it-notes provided).

STATION #2: In God's Hands
Hold the globe in your hands for a few seconds and remember that the whole world is lovingly cradled in the hands of our Creator.  Fill in the blanks on the white board with your own words or images of the people, places, or creatures who are in God’s hands. 

STATION #3: Created to be Creative 
God created us to be creative people.  Use the dough to create something!  As you work meditate on how you might partner with God in the ongoing creative work of “finishing the world.”  

 You've Got the Whole World. . .
We concluded worship by singing "You've Got the Whole World in Your Hands" filling in the verses with some of the words that folks had written on the whiteboard during the prayer station time.  As we sang, we tossed the inflatable globes in the air and tried to keep them in the air. 

For a more contemplative version of "You've Got the Whole World. . ." that combines song and spoken prayer, check out this WorshipHelps post.