God at Work (Sept. 9, 2012)

In preparation for START Sunday 2012 (Sunday School Kickoff), Pastor Jeff and I installed a “construction site” on the front lawn of Samuel church---an orange construction fence labeled with the words "peace," "justice," and "compassion."  There was also a box full of ribbons and permanent markers, and a sign:
This fence was constructed as an invitation to slow down and pay attention to God's presence in our midst. 
Where have you seen or heard signs of God at work in your own life, in our community, or in the world?
You are invited to take a ribbon and from the box and write a word or sentence about where you see God at work or offer a prayer for a person, place, or situation in which God’s presence is especially needed.  Then tie your ribbon to the fence.

I wrote about the "construction site" in an article for our church's monthly newsletter:

God at Work
Next 6 Weeks

On START Sunday, September 9th, you might notice a “construction site” popping up on the front lawn of Samuel church.  No, we’re not doing any building or grounds renovations---the purpose of this installment is to invite us dig deeper into our worship theme for the next six weeks: “Where is God at work?”

Of course the question, “Where is God at work?” has more than one meaning.  It could be a question about our labor---the way we earn a living, care for our families, and (hopefully) make a positive contribution to our communities.  How does God relate to our daily work?   Where do we see God in our chosen profession?   Over the next couple of weeks we’ll have the opportunity to hear some Samuel folks share their own reflections on these questions. 

Recognizing that God is at work in our work, however, is only one way of engaging the question.  In worship, we proclaim that God is actively involved in the ongoing work of creation and redemption in all spheres of life.  God is “on the loose” in the world---our job is to pay attention to what God is doing, to name it when we see it, and to join in and be a part of it! (Thanks to the folks at “A Renewable Church” for putting it this way!) 

In response to this challenge, on September 9th the youth will be venturing out into the community on a photo scavenger hunt, searching for signs of God at work in the world.  They’ll be on the lookout for God in the beauty of creation, in acts of kindness and hospitality, and in places of worship different from our own.  They’ll pay attention to signs of God in people and organizations that work for justice and peace.  They’ll look for God among “the least of these” and search the neighborhood for signs of new life.  My hope is that this practice of paying attention to where God is at work will be habit-forming. 

Over the next six weeks, you too will be invited to add your own “God sightings” and prayer requests to the “God at Work” construction site on the church’s front lawn.   It will serve as both a place to share our stories and struggles with each other and be a visual reminder to slow down and pay attention to where and how God is already at work in us. 


Amy Seat