Every Piece Matters (Sept. 12, 2010)

Our START Sunday (Sunday School kick-off) theme for 2010 was "Community Under Construction."  The Scripture reading was the parable of the lost sheep.  The following Children's Sermon was my attempt to tie it all together.  (By the way, this was my first ever Children's Sermon).

Well hello there. Welcome.  I have a question for you: How many of you like doing puzzles?

Now here’s another question: How many of you have ever done a puzzle and you were almost finished when you realized that a piece was missing?  Have you ever had that happen?  What did you do?  [Wait for responses.]  If my puzzle was missing a piece I'd start looking for it right away---check the box again, then maybe see if it fell off the table or got kicked under the couch.  And guess what?  If and when I find that missing puzzle piece I am so excited!  Do you know why?  I am so excited when I find the missing piece because with puzzles every piece matters! 

And you know what?  Here at Samuel Church we are like a puzzle---a giant puzzle that God is constantly adding new pieces to---and each one of us is like a puzzle piece---a very important puzzle piece because each one of us matters to God.  Every piece is important to God---so important that if any one of us gets lost, God goes searching for us.  And you know what happens when we are found?  God is so overjoyed---it’s a big celebration!   

We’re celebrating here at church today too---we’re celebrating the START of Sunday school and welcoming new and old friends back for the start of a new school year.  And to help us remember what we’ve been talking about today, I have here something for each of you----and all of you [gesturing to congregation]---a puzzle piece for you to write your name on and decorate to represent you!  And here’s the really fun part: after everyone has made their puzzle pieces, we’re going to put them all together and make a giant puzzle on the wall in the Ziercher room to remind ourselves that we are a community under construction and that every piece matters!  How does that sound?

Let us pray:  God we thank you that you’ve made each of us unique and that every one of us matters to you.  As we begin the START of a new school year we pray that you would continue to build us up into a community that seeks out those who are lost and rejoices with you when the lost are found.  Amen.